Dear Dayton Resident,

We are requesting your participation in the 2024 annual City of Dayton Resident Opinion Survey! The City Commission and our dedicated staff recognize the importance of gauging resident satisfaction with the services we provide to our community. By asking these questions, we ensure that our priorities remain in sync with the needs of our residents.

Your feedback is essential! The time you dedicate to this survey will directly impact decisions shaping the future of our city. Your responses will assist in assessing the effectiveness of the City's endeavors to fulfill Dayton's community vision and to address the many opportunities and challenges it faces. Please complete your survey within two weeks. Your responses are anonymous and will remain confidential.

If you have any questions, please call 937-333-3752 or email

Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your valuable input to help us understand your priorities, concerns, and insights, and the opportunities that we have in this dynamic City.

Survey results can be reviewed through the Dayton Survey Dashboard link on the City of Dayton’s Management & Budget website.

Please take this opportunity to have your voice heard!